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Cerebral Palsy Lawyers and Birth Injury Attorneys

Cerebral Palsy is a condition that describes a group of disorders which impair ones ability to move. This condition develops at birth and only gets worse over time. This condition causes damage to the motor areas of the brain which controls ones posture and movement. The damage caused to the brain happens in ways that are not normal and makes life much more challenging when performing ordinary tasks in life.Children who have been diagnoses with Cerebral Palsy are in constant need of care and attention. They have special needs for everything from movement, interaction and communication with others.

This can often times be extremely frustrating for the parents of children diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.It is very important to realize that most children with Cerebral Palsy have the mental capacity for intellectual and emotional development. Sibling of children with Cerebral Palsy should also not be neglected. Many times a parent tends to spend more attention to their child with the special needs, that they are unaware that they are neglecting the child's sibling.The causes of Cerebral Palsy are widely believed to be caused as a direct result of birth delivery mistakes. Sometimes these delivery mistakes are a direct result of the mother, but sometimes doctor errors can be made that have severe consequences.

For example a doctor must ensure that the baby receives enough oxygen during the delivery process. If a complication is to arise, it is the responsibility of the medical staff to help save the lives of both the child and the mother. Sometimes this requires cesarean sections to prevent birth asphyxia which can lead to brain damage, cerebral palsy and sometimes even death.Other causes of Cerebral Palsy include certain types of infections. For instance, women with preexisting infections of the uterus, bladder, kidneys or bloodstream have a much higher risk. Children are nine times as likely to suffer from cerebral palsy if the mother has these conditions while giving birth.

If someone in your family or your child has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, it's very important that you learn your legal rights for this situation. There are many cases where a cerebral palsy diagnosis is caused by medical negligence. Settlements of this type can help a family receive compensation and much needed support in a child's development therapy and treatment.

.To learn more about hiring a cerebral palsy lawyer or a birth injury attorney, please visit our website at http://www.resource4cerebralpalsy.com This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resource box is included and all links stay intact as hyperlinks.

By: Todd Going

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