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Ohio Real Estate Lawyers - While Ohio real estate law does not require you to have a real estate lawyer, there are certain instances in which having a lawyer may be a good idea.

Orange County DUI Arrests - In Orange County, the number of arrests for DUI cases in 1998 was approximately 14,000, according to statistics by MADD (Mothers against Drunk Driving).

Orange County DUI Defense - California provides for defendant?s right to jury, which is not available in many states.

Facts Every Plaintiff Should Know About Lawsuit Funding Lawsuit Loan - If you are a plaintiff, involved in a lawsuit and you are represented by an attorney, you may be eligible for a cash advance on your pending settlement.

The IT Technicians Need for Legal Contracts and Agreements - Contracts can often be seen as burdensome entities that service and goods providers can do without.

How To Determine The Value Of A Personal Injury Case - There is no magic formula or process by which someone can predict with certainty the amount of money that a personal injury case may be worth.

How to Behave in Divorce Court - Copyright 2006 The Divorce Center P.

Mail Wire Fraud Statute Facets - Dallas criminal attorney John Teakell's white paper overview examining the crimes of wire and mail fraud, which many people do not understand, know the ramifications of, or where to look to get information concerning the crime.

Ohio Accident Lawyers - In Ohio, there are almost 400,000 traffic accidents each year, resulting in a large number of injuries.

Substantial Change Constructive Dismissal the New Watered Down Route to Constructive Dismissal u - Summarises the main provisions of the new claim for constructive dismissal under TUPE 2006 and offers insightful commentary on its use.

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