When applying for an accident claim be sure that all the information related to the accident is present. Familiarity with the automobile insurance policy before it is needed is necessary. Read the policy thoroughly so you know what is covered and what is excluded. Carefully review the insurance application before signing it to be certain that the coverage's, policy limits and deductibles are what you need. After the policy is received, review the declaration page.
It contains important information on the insured and insured vehicle, as well as the coverage limits and deductibles. Make sure the information is correct and the coverage is what you ordered. If changes are needed, put a request to the agent and/or insurance company in writing and keep a copy. Use certified mail/return receipt requested to verify receipt of the letter.
If involved in an accident call the insurance agent immediately upon getting home from the accident. If seriously injured and taken to the hospital, have a family member report the collision to your insurance, with your assistance. Review the coverage with a lawyer prior to speaking with the agent. Become familiar with its terms and policies. Take detailed notes on your conversations with insurance agents and representatives.
Be sure to note names, contact numbers, and information on supervisors. Review all insurance policies-there may be coverage in multiple policies. Homeowner policies may have "umbrella" clauses that could assist in recovery.
Keep a disposable camera in your car to snag pictures of your car, injuries, and if possible, the accident scene. Be open with the insurance agent, and retell all facts of the even which help in the accident claim. Keep records of all expenses, including lodging, car rentals, and meals in relation to time spent pursuing the accident claim or recovering from injuries sustained in the accident.
Don't accept the first appraisal for losses sustained from the accident. Insurance agencies generally estimate on the lower end of the spectrum, so try to seek a second opinion. Obtain legal advice before signing any waivers or releases issued by the insurance provider. Be sure to read all fine print. Check with an attorney before accepting any check labeled "final payment". Pay attention to time limits set by your policy.
Meet the terms of these limits to avoid any conflict later on. Most insurance companies will accept legal action and accident claim adjustment within one year of the incident. It is in the best interest to act immediately, however, especially if serious injuries are sustained. The higher the medical bills the greater the value of the accident claim. Be sure to obtain all bills for services rendered plus final reports regarding physical condition. Make sure these reports include the length of the time of "Partial Disability" and/or "Total Disability" as that will go a long way in justifying both the "pain and suffering" and lost wages.
These reports should be in possession and read by you first (not sent directly to the insurance company). Keep the original and send a copy to the adjuster.
Accident claims entitle you to compensate any lose suffered in any kind of accident.